North Central Animal Care Center
Los Angeles, CA
City of Los Angeles
Choy Associates
3201 Lacey Street Los Angeles, CA 90031
Thu, October 5th, 2006
The North Central Animal Services Center underwent an expansion including 74,200 square feet for 170 outdoor dog kennels, various small animal holding facilities, a detached behavioral assessment room and new training yards. The facility that was originally an animal warehouse is now a sustainable and energy-efficient community center focused on facilitating successful animal adoptions. The work included placement of reinforced concrete foundation, framing, roofing, exterior and interior covering, insulation, electrical wiring, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, painting, interior furnishing, and other related work.
During the construction of the expanded facility, 95 percent of the construction waste generated was diverted from the landfill and recycled or reused. A new curved wall organizes and integrates the existing building with the new exterior kennels, the new parking lots, the behavioral assessment room and the landscape. The wall is clad in locally salvaged redwood siding, and serves as a visible symbol of the facility’s commitment to sustainability. Canopies with building integrated photovoltaic panels (BIPV) alternate with translucent panels to shade the new kennel aisles. These canopies generate enough electricity to power the entire facility.